
GEB 3213 Assignments

Writing in Business
Spring 2006


GEB 3213 Syllabus

GEB 3213 Assignments

GEB 3213 Schedule

GEB 3213 Gradebook

All assignments must be completed and submitted at the beginning of the class period on the due date assigned and in the assigned format. You will turn in BOTH a hard copy and an electronic copy. The hard copy will be taken up at the beginning of class and the electronic copy should be emailed to me (cmartin@english.ufl.edu) before the class period the assignment is due.

These assignments are due in class at the beginning of class on the dates indicated. Your assignment grade will be dropped by one full letter grade for every day it is late. Some assignments are individual, while others are group based. If the group assignment is late, everyone in the group is penalized. However, it is not an absolute that everyone in the group receives the same grade. I will conduct both self and group peer evaluations as a means of monitoring the work load balance within the groups.

If you are going to be absent on the day that an assignment is due, email the assignment to me BEFORE our class period and it will not be considered late if you have emailed before class and bring a hardcopy to me on the next class period that you are in attendance.

ASSIGNMENT 1 – Resume, cover letter (50 points each for a total of 100 points)

For this assignment, you will need to locate a job opening in your field and compose a resume and cover letter tailored for the job you select. Both the resume and cover letter should conform to format, design, and standards discussed in lectures, class discussions, and textbook/handouts. You will need to turn in the job opening description (the ad) along with your cover letter.

Job opening
Find job openings in newspaper classified sections, trade/business journals, or at the Career Resource Center. You may also search for openings online at http://www.quintcareers.com/career_centers/ or at http://www.monster.com

The job you select must be appropriate for your major/major field and should be both professional and degree-appropriate or an internship that you are actually thinking about applying for. You should avoid applying for job that only require a high school diploma or job openings for wait staff, golf caddy, or summer camp counselor.

The resume must be tailored for the job you’re applying for. Additionally, it should be a resume you would send out when applying for a job. As a result, you should ensure that the paper and print quality of your final submission should be the highest possible. Be sure to follow both lecture and Locker Chapter 17 guidelines for creating and formatting your resume.

Cover letter
The cover letter must match the job opening and should be a letter tailored to the job and the company—not a form letter. You should also conduct research into the company or business to which you’re applying. Be sure to follow both lecture and Locker Chapter 18 guidelines for creating and completing your cover letter.

Resume Rubric
-A resume/cover letter will be dropped one letter grade for one typo or spelling error. After three typos or spelling errors the resume/cover letter will receive a failing grade.
-A resume will be dropped half a letter grade for every consistency mistake.

ASSIGNMENT 2 – Informative/Positive news memo: Choice of 7.15 or 7.17 at the end of Chapter 7) (100)
Rubric: Check list on page 168.

ASSIGNMENT 3 – Improving a financial aid form in groups (p. 146-7) (50)

ASSIGNMENT 4 – Negative message. Choice A: 8.7 on page 206 where you can choose from A,B,C, or make your own company situation like some of you did in the positive memo; Choice B: 8.19 on page 211. (100)
Rubric: Check list on page 202.

ASSIGNMENT 5 – Persuasive message – ABC Case (100)
The ABC case is based off of the following case study:
Rubric from case study:
*Exhibit a clear understanding of the audience, use an appropriate tone and style, establish the desired relationship, and motivate the desired outcome.
*Accomplish the purpose of the message by stating a clear position on the issue and supporting that position with logical points/sub-points, insightful reasoning and/or persuasive examples.
*Be well organized and easy to follow, include appropriate headings/bullets/lists, and use smooth transitions.
*Demonstrate superior mastery of vocabulary and superior facility with conventions of standard written English (grammar, usage, and mechanics).
*Use an appropriate format and document design.

ASSIGNMENT 6 – Intercultural memo (11.8.b p. 313-315) (100)

ASSIGNMENT 7 – Team report: see team project handout. (300)
Additional websites for business recommendation reports:
Sample recommendation reports:

ASSIGNMENT 8 – Team oral presentation (100)
Rubric in PDF

QUIZZES – (100)
In-class Writing and Participation – (150)



90-100 990-1100 A
87-89 957-989 B+
80-86 880-956 B
77-79 847-879 C+
70-76 770-846 C
67-69 737-769 D+
60-66 660-736 D
Below 60% Below 660 E