Course Objective and Description:
This course is a survey of English literature from the Romantic period
to the present day, and, as such, we will be reading and writing about
a great variety of works in order to get a sense of the development of
English literature in this time span. Since literature reveals the workings
of culture, we shall endeavor to create an ongoing conversation on the
nature of those workings as we piece together the conversation in which
the work itself participates. To this end, I have incorporated many of
the Longman Anthology’s “Perspectives” sections into
the course (see the course schedule below), which feature a number of
authors writing on a particular issue or in response to a specific work.
Also, because this survey of British Literature follows the rise of Children’s
Literature, we will be incorporating various children’s texts into
the class as well. These texts will go from the beginning of modern children’s
literature, through the golden age of children’s literature in Britain,
and into the postmodern writings in which we question intended audience.
These readings will facilitate discussion about the views of childhood
within each historical period. As we progress through adult literature,
we will also watch the progression of children’s literature, sometimes
not being able to see a distinction as lines are blurred and boundaries
are crossed.
The goal of this course is encourage an understanding of each individual
work with the larger context of English literature and, by doing so, learn
how to read poetry, drama, and fiction critically. In order to communicate
these interpretations, we will also focus on how to write about literature.
Thus the goal in this endeavor is to construct essays that write about
these genres in a thoughtful, convincing, and effective manner.
Achievement of Course Objectives:
Classroom explanations and discussions will guide you through the reading
and writing assignments. You will also receive help in one-on-one conferences
and peer editing sessions. Because this class fulfils the Gordon Rule,
you will be asked to write a minimum of 6000 words over the course of
the semester. You will also need to do the following:
Keep up with reading and writing assignments. Because this is a survey
class, there is an immense amount of reading. I repeat, keep up with the
The following books are available at Georings Bookstore :
· Damrosch, David et. al. The Longman Anthology of British Literature.
Vol. II. 2nd Edition.
· Russell, David L. Literature for Children: A Short Introduction
· Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein; or a Modern Prometheus.
The Allan Moore graphic novel is availible at Florida Bookstore Volume
II on 34th Street.
· Moore, Allan. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Vol
I. DC Comics.
The following books will be availible at Goerings, but you may buy them
anywhere you like:
Carter, Angela. Burning Your Boats: The Collected Short Stories
(ISBN 0140255281)
Dickens, Charles. Hard Times.
Do all assignments before a class session begins (by class, you should
have read the text selections listed on the syllabus for that day).
Participate in class discussions and editing sessions. Bring texts to
class and take notes.
Grade Breakdown:
Exam One
Romantic Period
Exam Two
Victorian Period
Paper/Exam Three
20th Century (Cumulative)
Class Participation
In class
Quizzes, Listserve
Journal Entries
U of Florida Grade Scale
63 and below
Class Policies and Requirements:
Because class attendance is critical to your understanding of class material,
you are allowed only three unexcused absences over the course of the semester.
After three unexcused absences, your final grade average will be dropped
a letter grade for every day missed. An absence due to illness or family
crisis may be excused if properly documented to my satisfaction. In addition,
if you participate in a university-sponsored event (music, theater, field
trip, or athletics), you must provide me with documentation from an appropriate
authority. Whether or not an absence is excused, you are responsible for
contacting a classmate or me to find out what material you missed and
any work that was assigned. If work is due in class on the day of the
absences, the work is due in my mailbox by 4pm that day.
Tardies (arriving late in class or departing class early) are not acceptable
because it is disruptive, and, beyond any excused tardies, class participation
grade and overall grade will be affected (3 tardies = 1 absence).
Class Participation:
In addition to attending class, you are also expected to contribute class
discussions and participate in workshop sessions with your peers. Learning
is not a solitary process, but one that necessarily involves others and
I thus consider class participation a very important part of achieving
this class’s goals.
If I think that the class is not doing the reading assignments, I will
begin giving quizzes at the beginning of every class. If you are reading
the texts as we progress though the semester, you should do fine.
We will have one exam for two periods of literature (Romantic and Victorian)
that we are covering in this course. The exam will include a take-home
essay portion (see below) and an in-class portion. The in-class part of
the exam will be made up of quotation identifications and short answer
questions from the period being studied.
The third and final exam will have the usual identifications and short
answers, but the essay for this exam will be cumulative and will be more
of a final paper than an essay. You will choose your own topic for the
final paper.
For the essay portion of the exam, I will give out three essay questions
or prompts from which you may choose your topic. Before the first exam
we will go over some sample questions so that you have an idea of what
they will be like and what I will be expecting. If you look at the schedule,
below you will notice that each exam falls on a Monday. I will give out
the questions that Friday and the essay will due on the following Monday
of the exam. Each essay will be no less that 1,200 words (around 5 pages).
All work is due at the beginning of class on the day it is due. All major
essays should be typed on only one side of 8 ½” x 11”
white paper, MLA
format, stapled, and be in Times New Roman 12 point font. On days
when drafts are due (workshop days), you must bring two copies of your
paper to class. These copies should be clean, typed papers (the same format
as the final draft) and already well edited by you. This will only apply
to your final paper. I will not accept any papers that are not in this
You will keep a reading journal for the entire semester. For each
class period that you have assigned reading (almost everyday) you will
write a one page response journal on the reading. If we are reading more
that one work, you may select the work you choose to write on. The journal
will help you study for the exams, be a resource for future classes, and
give you a jumping off point for class discussion. Journals are to be
typed in MLA format and printed out for everyclass period. They should
be in Times New Roman 12 point font and have an MLA works cited line as
the paper's heading.
Listserv Participation:
At the beginning of the term, I will set up a class email listerv. Each
student must email at least six original responses to an upcoming reading
assignment and six responses to others’ responses. While these posts
need not be polished pieces of writing, I do expect a certain amount critical
thought. The idea here is raise issues about a particular reading or group
of readings for the class to think about before we discuss. Responses
will be graded out of ten, with a ten being equivalent to a check for
completion. Each post will be no less than 200 words. You may duplicate
work from your journal and post it on the listserve.
University and Departmental Policies
Gordon Rule:
All work must be completed for a grade since the work assigned fulfills
the Gordon Rule, which stipulates that students are to write a minimum
of 6000 words that receive feedback, are graded, and give experience in
various types of writing important in disciplines, workplace, and civic
Plagiarism is the unacknowledged borrowing of someone else’s work
and is a serious offense with serious consequences. Plagiarism will result
in a failing grade on the paper in question and can possibly result in
a failure for the course. Please consult the University of Florida’s
Honor Code for a thorough description (www.dso.ufl.edu/stg/code_of_conduct.html).
Academic honesty requires that all work presented in this class be the
student’s own work. Evidence of collusion (working with another
student or tutor) or plagiarism (use of another’s ideas, data and
statement without acknowledgment and/or extensive use of another’s
ideas, data and statements with only minimal acknowledgment) will lead
to the procedures set up by the university for academic dishonesty in
the Honor Court. There is a clear distinction between learning new ideas
and presenting them as facts or as answers, and presenting them as one’s
own idea. Unless the work assigned is specifically designed to be completed
in groups, all work must be individual.
UF Computer and Software Requirement:
The following is the official UF policy on the student computer requirement:
Access to and on-going use of a computer will be required for all students
to complete their degree programs successfully. Effective with the Summer
B 1998 term, the University of Florida expects each student entering the
junior year, as well as each student new to the university, to acquire
computer hardware and software appropriate to his or her degree program.
Competency in the basic use of a computer is a requirement for graduation.
Class assignments may require use of a computer, academic advising and
registration can be done by computer, and official university correspondence
is often sent via e-mail.
While the university offers limited access to computers through its computer
labs, most students will be expected to purchase or lease a computer that
is capable of dial-up or network connection to the Internet, graphical
access to the World Wide Web, and productivity functions such as word
processing and spreadsheet calculation.
Refer to the UF Computer and Software Requirement page for any questions
(http://www.circa.ufl.edu/computers/) as well as the CLAS computer policy
Classroom Dynamics:
Because class participation relies heavily on individuals feeling comfortable
expressing their opinions, you must always show respect for the diversity
of opinions expressed in this class. You must also demonstrate respect
for gender, racial, class, and ethnic differences among your colleagues
and instructor.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:
Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the
Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation
to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor
when requesting accommodation.
Challenging a Grade:
Any complaints about separate assignments should be addressed to me and
not to the English Department. If you have any complaints on the final
grade, you may see me or email me. If you find that you still have complaints
after our meeting, you may express your complaints on a form in the English
Department Office (4012 Turlington). The form and accompanying course
material will be given to the Director of Writing Program Administration
for further action. A review committee may decide to raise, lower, or
keep the originally assigned grade. This decision is final. The material
submitted will remain on file in the English Department Office.
Overview of Assignments:
These assignments are due in class on the dates indicated. There will
be NO LATE assignments accepted. Also, there will be additional assignments
and materials not indicated on this sheet (I will announce them in class),
and both this schedule and individual assignments are subject to change.
All readings are in the Longman anthology unless otherwise noted. (see