ENC 3254: Writing in Elementary Education

Quiz 1

Eight or Nine Wise Words About Letter Writing by Charles Dodgson

1. According to Dodgson, what are the two pieces of information that should go at the top of your letter?

2. What is his number one golden rule of writing?

3. What does P.S. stand for?

4. In section five "On Registering Correspondence," what does Dodgson recommend that you keep?

Edcuating Esme by Esme Codell

5. What is Esme's first project at her new school? (Hint: it gets rejected)

6.What grade does Esme teach?

7. Describe at least two of the three parts to Esme's morning ritual with the students.

8. Describe one creative way that Esme tries to encourage reading with her students?

9. What do the students call Esme?

10. With what punishment does Esme sentence Billy?

Bonus: What is Charles Dodgson's pen name?